

Junior Achievement Romania is the largest and most dynamic economic and entrepreneurial education organization in Romania. JA "learning by doing" programs are followed annually by over a quarter million young students in the country and take place in schools across the country through the formal partnership with the Ministry of Education and with the support of the business community.
Junior Achievement's mission is to prepare the young generation to play an active role in the community, based on a good understanding of market economy mechanisms and how these can support social entrepreneurship and participation.
Sustainable development programs developed by the organization are oriented towards economic ecology, showing to young people the real value of a healthy environment and an inclusive society, inclusively for their quality of life and the present project is an opportunity to apply this approach to solving concrete issues specific to mountain areas, which are important for the Romanian economy, but that are still a challenge in terms of sustainable development.

Sogn og Fjordane Ungt Entreprenorskap is the Norwegian local office of the national organization in the county and its programs are designed to inspire young people entrepreneurial spirit through practical learning and involving business directly in the educational process. Under the partnership, the organisation will identify best practices in sustainable development of mountain areas in Norway and facilitate know-how transfer.

ROMONTANA is an organization which facilitates sustainable and integrated development of the mountain areas. As a partner within this project, it developed information and educational materials focused on issues of sustainable development of mountain regions, and interacted with local authorities in mountain areas, mobilizing them to participate in the project.